Aim: International Journal of Accounting Finance and Social Science Research published bi-monthly. International Journal of Accounting, Finance and Social Science Research provides a platform for researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners, and students to impart and share knowledge in the form of high-quality empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies, literature reviews, and book reviews. International Journal of Accounting Finance and Social Science Research welcomes and acknowledges high-quality theoretical and empirical original research papers, case studies, review papers, literature reviews, book reviews, conceptual frameworks, analytical and simulation models, technical notes from researchers, academicians, professionals, practitioners and students from all over the world. It includes various topics related to Accounting Finance and Social Science.
Scope: International Journal of Accounting Finance and Social Science Research (IJAFSSR) is to provide a research medium and an important reference for the advancement and dissemination of research results that support high-level research in the fields of education business, and economics. Original theoretical work and application-based studies, which contributes to a better understanding of all fields of Accounting Finance and Social Science Research.
Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
- Accountability
- Accounting standards and regulations
- Auditing
- Auditing standards and regulations
- Corporate governance
- Environmental accounting
- Financial Accounting
- Management Accounting
- Risk management and internal control
- Social Accounting
- Asset pricing
- Bankruptcy prediction and determinants
- Corporate finance
- Credit risk modeling and management
- Financial engineering
- Foreign exchange markets
- Law and finance
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Mutual funds management
- Portfolio management
- Regulations of financial markets
- Venture capital
- Accounting and Auditing
- Asset Pricing
- Banking Efficiency and Regulation
- Behavioural Finance
- Capital Markets
- Corporate Finance
- Corporate Governance and Ethics
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Policies
- Financial Regulation
- Derivatives Pricing and Hedging
- Enterprise Risk Management
- Financial Engineering
- Financial Risk Management
- Financial Forecasting
- Information Intermediaries
- Islamic Retain and Finance
- Managerial finance
- Real Estate and Commodity Markets
- Investment and Portfolio Management
- Theories of Market Equilibrium
- Valuation Theory
- Supply chain finance
- Industrial theories and practices
- Accounting and Finance Management
- Applied Financial Planning
- Auditing Technology
- Accounting, Auditing, and Performance Evaluation
- Accounting, Auditing, and Finance
- Behavioral Accounting and Finance
- Bonds and Currency Derivatives
- Banking, Accounting, and Finance
- Banking Service and Macro Economy
- Business finance and investment
- Critical Accounting
- Corporate Finance
- Corporate Governance
- Consumer Credit, Debt Planning and Management
- Economics and Accounting
- Financial Engineering
- Financial Econometrics
- Financial Regulation and Policy
- Financial Planning and Management
- Financial Services Management
- Financial Markets and Derivatives
- Financial Engineering and Risk Management
- Electronic Finance
- Electronic Banking
- Economic and Sustainable Development
- Globalization and localization of management accounting
- Investment Policy
- Investment Banking
- Indian Culture and Business Management
- Incentives, Performance Evaluation
- Internal and External Reporting and Budging
- International Perspectives of Capital Investment Decisions
- Managerial and Financial Accounting
- Monetary Economics and Finance
- Management Accounting
- Management Control and Accountability
- Mutual Funds, Insurance, Stock Markets, Wealth Management
- Public Finance Management
- Portfolio Analysis and Management
- Personal Finance and Corporate Financial Service Industry
- Revenue Management
- Risk Management & Research
- Strategic Engineering Asset Management
- Taxation Planning and Estate Planning
Other themes associated with the above or emerging topics will also be considered.